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Google has a variety of perks for Chromebook users, and one you need to know about is their Google One offer. They are offering a free 12-month subscription for Google...
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Join HeyCash, and you can earn money by playing games, taking online surveys and completing other easy offers. Each task will earn you points, and those points can be swapped...
Sign up with Prime Opinion, and you and other users in the Netherlands can earn up to โ‚ฌ5 per online survey! At the time of writing, the average user earned...
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Most of us need some help being more organized, and if that applies to you, check out PrintBlame! They have lots of different PDF printables that can keep everything running...
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Premium Advertising is giving you the chance to win a voucher to spend at Albert Heijn! It is a fantastic prize because the supermarket has everything you need from essentials...
Join FreeCash, and you can participate in different offers to earn extra cash! There is a choice of tasks, so you can take surveys and test games and apps. Once...
You can now get a free sample of the Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream. The cream is designed to balance your skin tone while smoothing the skin and hiding imperfections....
Cleansing your skin is something you should do, but it can be difficult to choose a product to use because there are so many on the market. That is why...
Join Hintsters, and you can earn cash rewards for taking online surveys and writing reviews about services and products. The surveys will be matched to your profile, and you can...
If you download the AttaPoll app on your mobile phone or tablet, you can take surveys to earn some extra cash. When you share your opinions, you help organisations and...
Sign up with iSurveyWorld, and you can take part in their online surveys to earn cash rewards. The surveys cover different products and services, and as a thank you for...


How can I get free stuff from companies?

A site like Free Stuff World makes it easy to find companies offering Dutch free stuff and other deals, simply pick from the offers above that interest you. If you find one you like the look of (1) click the heading, (2) read the description to ensure you fully understand the rules, (3) click the green claim button and finally (4) follow the instructions on the companies website to ensure the promo has not changed.

Why do companies offer free samples in the Netherlands?

Companies are often giving away free stuff in order to launch a new product so that consumers can try it out without spending any money or to gain feedback on an existing product in order to improve it. As a “freebie hunter” you can take advantage of these offers to build up a range of freebies delivered to your door.

Can I get free stuff on my birthday?

Yeah! We often see businesses doing “birthday freebie” promotions. For example you might get a free coffee or meal on your birthday at a restaurant. These offers change regularly so make sure to follow us on social media to keep up to date with the latest offers and deals.