HeyCash is a platform where you can earn money by completing online surveys, playing games and taking part in other simple offers. Once you are a member with HeyCash, you...
Join Prime Opinion for free and begin earning up to $7 for each online survey you finish. You can exchange your earnings for gift cards from popular brands like Amazon,...
Maru Voice is the leading online market research panel in Canada and they are giving you the opportunity to get free Amazon Gift Cards for taking online surveys. Sign up...
Your favorite brands want your opinion. And theyโ€™ll reward you for it! Sign up with Survey Roundtable and you ca start earning rewards for taking part in surveys and giving...

FAQ Section

What Brands Can I Get Free Gift Cards for in Canada?

The offers listed change, but you can see vouchers for retail stores like Walmart, Amazon, iTunes, Starbucks, Tim Hortons and more. Usually, these will be available as rewards for taking online surveys, competition prizes or completing online tasks. We recommend you stay up to date with the offers available if you don’t want to miss anything.