Free Shopping Vouchers & Cash for Taking Surveys

Join mingle, and you can get rewarded for sharing your opinion about different topics. As a member, you will be invited to take part in online surveys, and when you complete them, you will earn mingle points, and those points can be swapped for shopping vouchers and cash rewards. You also have the option to donate your earnings if you would rather.

You’ll be informed of how long the survey will take and how many points you will earn before you start. On average, the surveys can take anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes, so you can easily slot them into your day. It is completely free to sign up, so don’t miss out.

Press the green button below to visit the mingle website, where you can read more information and join. It is quick and simple to sign up, and they have over 300,000 members. They are already earning rewards, and now you can too!

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