Free Probiotics with FAMIBIOTICS

FAMIBIOTICS are looking for product testers, and if you sign up, it could be you. If selected, you will be able to test probiotics for two weeks, and you will then have to write a review and provide some photos of you using the product. The probiotics up grabs are worth up to $138, so it is well worth applying.

Click the green button below to sign up for the FAMIBIOTICS product testing opportunity. Once on their website, you should fill in your details and answer questions about yourself. The questions cover whether you have medical conditions, children, etc. You could try FAMISHIELD, FAMIKID, FAMIMOM or FAMITOT, the company will decide which one you will get. The terms and conditions and information you need to know are also available if you scroll down past the form.

Thanks for suggesting this offer! 🎉

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