Gratis matprover
Hur mycket skulle du betala för gratis matprover? Om du svarade 0 dollar har du kommit till rätt ställe. Free Stuff World gör det enkelt att prova gratis produkter i Singapore.
Många av oss älskar att prova nya livsmedelsprodukter men vill inte slösa våra surt förvärvade pengar för att upptäcka att vi inte gillar produkten. Det är här vi kommer in i bilden! Börja testa nya produkter gratis. Allt du behöver göra för att komma igång är att välja ett av erbjudandena nedan, fylla i dina uppgifter och vänta på att provpaketet kommer med posten.
If you sign up for the Délifrance membership called Déli Friends, you can get a free drink and more! You will get a beverage of your choice with no minimum...
Sign up for free with FunClub for your chance to test and keep free Pringles. Simply complete the short online form to register your interest. Plus by signing up today...
Nature One creates milk and nutrition formulas for all ages. Now you can try two samples of their products for free. These samples are for those aged 12 months and...
FunClub are giving you the chance to win a $100 Deliveroo voucher. There are 10 up for grabs, so don’t miss out and enter their competition today. It is free...
You can now order a free sample of Ensure Life StrengthPro. There are two flavours up for grabs, which are chocolate and wheat, and they are full of vitamins. A...
If you are a business in Singapore, you can get a free Milo sample from Nestlé. This is a great freebie because you can give the chocolate flavour powder a...
If you join Boost Juice VIBE, you can get a free drink on your birthday! VIBE is their loyalty club, and by becoming a member, you can also enjoy drink...
Enjoy Ovaltine 3in1 drinks but want to reduce your sugar intake? If so, this freebie is perfect for you because Ovaltine is giving away free samples of their 3in1 Less...